Road Over Rail Containment Scheme

Kirton Lane, Road over Rail Containment Scheme

Kirton Lane, Doncaster
6 weeks

This Project involved the excavation of a slip trench three meters below ground level to construct reinforced ground beam anchorage point to allow a vehicle containment anchor to be mounted.

The works also involved the design and build of temporary hoardings 1.5M high x 10M long to protect live railway below during its construction.

Due to the working space required a scaffold option was not suitable as it would have resulted in insufficient space to place an excavator. Our designers came up with utilising a timber structure which could be adjusted to suit our requirements when weather conditions permitted to allow the works to be carried out on time and in a safe manner.

Due to the condition of the existing verges the new safety barrier couldn’t be installed to the standard required which resulted in the construction of 170 linear metre ground beams and the barrier posts where then cast in-situ in order to achieve the strength of impact required. 

The works were completed with full carriageway re-surfacing including planing of the existing wearing course to form a cambered road, overlaying the existing wearing course, with white lining and road studs throughout.