Viaduct Parapet Replacement

Viaduct parapet replacement and concrete repairs

A58, Halifax
£530,000 approx.
28 weeks

Hebble Viaduct carries the A58 through the centre of Halifax. On the approaches and departures to the viaduct the existing steel parapets, mounted on precast concrete copings, where showing signs of distress with spalling concrete and failing parapet fixings.

The main objective of the scheme was to replace existing precast and reinforced concrete string courses to the top of retaining walls and renew the road restraint systems (parapets) thereon. In addition there was the renewal of other road restraint systems, the maintenance painting of parapets and the incorporation of safety kerbing.

The scheme works involved the installation and maintenance of Traffic Management, the design and installation of scaffolding and access systems, the removal of existing vehicle restraint systems (parapets) (250 meters), the disconnection and removal of street lighting columns, alterations to Urban Traffic Control, the removal of existing precast string course units and the demolition of existing in situ concrete string courses. Also included was the partial demolition of the existing retaining walls and the construction of the new reinforced concrete string courses along with concrete repairs to the existing concrete structures. As works progressed the installation of a new vehicle restraint system (350 metres) took place along with new kerbing and maintenance painting.

The works were successfully completed without any road closures, with minimum disruption to traffic, ahead of programme, within budget and without incident.